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Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.


Add your pricing strategy. Be sure to include important details like value, length of service, and why it’s unique.

Did you know that the average high school has 1 college counselor for every +250 students? High schools are not providing families with individualized attention best-suited for a smooth and successful college application and decision-making process.

The journey to college is filled with excitement and anxiety as there are many new pieces to the ever-changing application and admissions process. Sarah responds by staying up-to-date on the latest data, research, requirements and financial aid resources. Students and parents alike rely on her expertise to ensure a joyful experience on their life-changing path to higher education.

If you seek a key resource to help your student take the necessary steps to be prepared for applying to universities across the country this opportunity is for you!

How Will Sarah Support My Middle Schooler?

Is it too early to be thinking about the college admissions process?

Sarah’s early college guidance nurtures your child’s holistic development.

leads to successful outcomes to college admissions. This program sets middle schoolers on the path to success by laying out academic planning, exploring interests and identifying both short and long-term goals. Students will dig into their interests and assess their talents in middle school.

Sarah excels in helping families balance their understandable desire to plan for college admissions while focusing on the number one criteria of allowing young people to just be. She takes the necessary steps with students to enable long-term future opportunities while prioritizing present goals and needs. Sarah consults on family goals for their student as well as secondary school application timelines.

Thriving through the transition from middle school years to high school.


Her program focuses on three components: academics, activities and life skills.

Sarah works with students to grow their soft academic skills which become contrscutive investments in a young person’s acaemic and personal success. For example, establishing personal reading habits and healthy boundaries with technology.

by working with students before high school Sarah can support your student through every part of their academic journey to ensure a smooth transition from middle school to high school. This program includes aptitude testing to identify and develop academic and extracurrciular interests….

It also integrates curriculum planning to help students get on the best track for high school.

During the middle school years Sarah also engages with parents to give them a view of the future high school college prep landscape.

Sarah’s program strives to create engaged, happy and self-actualized middle schoolers.

students in their

Individual academic interests and select extracurriculars

Sarah provides a personalized road map and enrichment plan as well as strategic advice on areas in need of improvement in soft academic skills

Students will be exposed to various careers and majors based on their interests and strengths.

so that they can build a strong foundation for their future college prep.

Her program helps students discover meaningful and rewarding experiences that will make them stand out and

Sarah builds a program to motivate middle schoolers to think about the possibilities ahead of them by focusing on talent and career exploration. Early college guidance allows students the chance to better explore their interests that they may want to pursue in high school. Before students enter the rigors of intensive college prep this low-stakes early college guidance is important to helping students reach their academic and admissions goals.

iand plan a rewarding and thoughtful high school experience that will help them fulfill their college admissions dreams. Once WiseStart™ students begin high school, they can continue to work with Sarah on long-term college prep in a

Students benefit from a low-stakes college prep early and in an approachable way, so they’re motivated and encouraged by the possibilities ahead of them – and will be ready for the rigors of intensive college prep once they get to high school.